change is what we got! ella and i both coughed up 10 inches, while grayce left us in her dust...she came up with a whopping 14 inches!
grayce and i were on our way to new beginnings, hence the fluffiness ella was mad she didn't have!
two months in to it, here's my feeling on short hair. ITS A LOT OF WORK. for grayce, it's perfect. her length is just right, ella needs about 5 more inches, that's her perfect length. i wish i would have cut 5 inches and changed my hair color. i can't get away with only washing my hair every couple of days. short hair is serious, you have to have a style, and the boho look doesn't work as well. i had gone with a darker hair color in december and it was making my poor no sun skin looked washed out. but, like i stated earlier, our hair grows like unwanted weeds. so this is a tragedy we will recover from. next january i will buy a new top or a new pair of jeans.....